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The Paper


Interactive webinar promotion: Novartis leads doctors into the digital world.

The challenge

Many industries went digital during the pandemic. Novartis also saw digitalization as a great chance to drastically improve asthma control and organized a webinar series to further educate doctors on this eminent topic and bring them closer to the digital world. The idea was to be digital and creative from beginning to end, while also remaining rather traditional. How to make the registration process as easy as possible? How to offer an opportunity to rewatch the webinar? How to get healthcare professionals interested in the online event itself and provide an innovative solution for the invitation? The answer came from Interactive Paper!


The solution

Over 2700 doctors received an invitation in the form of an Interactive Paper and had a chance to go through the webinar program and register for the event directly. For those who could not participate in all the webinars, Novartis had a little surprise – they provided an opportunity to rewatch the missed presentations by just clicking on the third button later.


By clicking the first button, doctors could read the webinar series program in detail and create their own personalised agenda.

There was no need to switch from the Interactive Paper to a laptop and scroll through the whole website again - just one click on the second button, and doctors could register for the webinars of their interest directly on their phones.

Healthcare professionals are always quite busy. Knowing that, Novartis uploaded the whole program to the third button after the event (yes, with Interactive Paper you can change and modify the content of the buttons anytime) for those who missed the webinar or just wanted to watch it once again.

Are you also interested in sending interactive event invitations?

The success

Interactive Paper provided an inspiring alternative to traditional event invitations and offered Novartis an opportunity to raise healthcare professionals' engagement and stand out in the crowd. The inventive and fascinating solution also simplified event registration and consolidated all the information in one place. The result was traditional enough for the industry but still quite innovative and modern for the event itself.

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The solution

Over 2700 doctors received an invitation in the form of an Interactive Paper and had a chance to go through the webinar program and register for the event directly. For those who could not participate in all the webinars, Novartis had a little surprise – they provided an opportunity to rewatch the missed presentations by just clicking on the third button later.


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