Let's talk!
Let's find out together how we can make your Interactive Paper project a success!
25-minute video call
Professional advice on all your questions
Development of a concept tailored to your needs
Web tool catalog

Ideal for introducing the customer to the world of your company.
Video in 9:16 portrait format
For other formats: option for the video to fill the screen or to fit all the content
Buttons for:
- Play/Pause
- Sound on/off
Colors of the buttons, adapted to your design
The time when the popup, which refers to the next button on the paper is displayed
Embedding of a video (from Youtube, Vimeo, ...) is possible.
Possibility to add a personalized text overlay at the beginning of the video
Anonymized data is collected and shared with you through our Data Report.
Video player

Inform your audience in a playful way
Attractively designed quiz with different result pages displayed depending on the correctness of the answered questions
Questions with up to 4 possible answers
Multiple or single choice
Questions with optional:
- colored background
- picture as backgroundResponse options as:
- short text (1-4 words) with solid color background
- any image in the appropriate format
- short text with background imageResult pages differ by:
- a result symbol (1-3 stars)
- different textsColor scheme customized to your design
Bold answer options font
Turn off animation between questions
Insert a short text between the questions
Simple home screen: without playful icons
Flexible switching between single and multiple choice
Redirect link possible in the result page
Input field for name or email possible in the result page.
Anonymized data is collected and share with you through our Data Report
Data regarding the selected answers are collected and offered as a separate report.

Guide your audience to the right product or service
Interactive site with different result pages based on the selected answers
Sets of questions with up to 4 possible answers
Results can be displayed based on easy to define "weight-based" or a "score-based" rules.
Response options as:
- short text (1-4 words) with solid color background
- any image in the appropriate format
- short text with background imageFlexible switching between single and multiple choice
Result pages differ by:
- an image
- different textsColor scheme customized to your design
Bold answer options font
Redirect link possible in the result page
Anonymized data is collected and share with you through our Data Report
Data regarding the selected answers are collected and offered as a separate report.

Visually display your documentation
Unlimited number of tiles with forwarding links
Tiles can link to:
- PDFs or Word files
- Other Web Tools (e.g.: Quiz)
- External URLs
Tiles as:
- short text (1-3 words) with solid color background
- any image in appropriate format
- short text with background imageBold font for text in tiles
Color scheme customized to your design
Heading with optional second heading
Anonymized data is collected and shared with you through our Data Report
Tile menu

Stay in touch with your audience
Contact form with multiple customization options
Various input fields:
- Name
- Email
- Text
Color scheme customized to your design
Can lead to a landing page at the end through a smooth transition
Anonymized data is collected and share with you through our Data Report
Form submissions will be directly forwarded to you
Contact form

Redirect your user to a website you already have
Immediate redirection to any external website or PDF.
Optional: Personalized redirects, so an individual link can be used for each addressee.
Anonymized data is collected for the Data Report
Caution: if you redirect away from the Web Tools at the 1st or 2nd button, there may be slight distortions in the Data Report.
