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Success Stories
Entdecken Sie, wie zahlreiche Unternehmen mit Interactive Paper bemerkenswerte Erfolge erzielt haben, und erfahren Sie, wie Sie es für Ihre eigenen Zwecke nutzen können.
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Unsere Success Stories
Looking for the common factors that made these campaigns so successful? Here is a list of the what, in our experience, makes for a high-performing Interactive Paper campaign.
Timing - Delivering your campaign at the right time increases the performance [Weekends, holidays...]
Target audience - The recipients must be right for your product or service.
Confection - How the Interactive Paper is packed and presented can make a great difference.
Story - The story you tell, and how you structure the user journey, impacts the performance.
Design - Making your campaign easy to understand increases the performance.
Target audience - What users associate with your brand will strongly impact the user rate.
Unsere Success Stories
Unsere Success Stories
Looking for the common factors that made these campaigns so successful? Here is a list of the what, in our experience, makes for a high-performing Interactive Paper campaign.
Timing - Delivering your campaign at the right time increases the performance [Weekends, holidays...]
Target audience - The recipients must be right for your product or service.
Confection - How the Interactive Paper is packed and presented can make a great difference.
Story - The story you tell, and how you structure the user journey, impacts the performance.
Design - Making your campaign easy to understand increases the performance.
Target audience - What users associate with your brand will strongly impact the user rate.
Unsere Success Stories
Example grpahs
Timing - Delivering your campaign at the right time increases the performance [Weekends, holidays...]
Target audience - The recipients must be right for your product or service.
Confection - How the Interactive Paper is packed and presented can make a great difference.
Story - The story you tell, and how you structure the user journey, impacts the performance.
Design - Making your campaign easy to understand increases the performance.
Target audience - What users associate with your brand will strongly impact the user rate.
Lassen Sie uns Ihnen zeigen, wie!
Sprechen Sie mit unseren Experten und lassen Sie sich zeigen, wie Sie das Interactive Paper erfolgreich für Ihre Marketingzwecke einsetzen können.